Tuesday, February 27, 2018

AutoMob : Identify and Create Case Types

We have created below application rules by following steps from ParentPost
Framework application : Automobiles Sales Management Framework
Implementation application : Automobiles Sales Application

Now we have to identify what are the case types, that our application needs. Customer (who wishes to buy automobiles) would approach show room and reach out to sales person. Once Customer is good with the automobile (lets say Car), purchase request should be initiated within the system where it has to go through multiple stages : Collect Customer Details, Collect Selected Vehicle details, ..... till Customer gets order : the automobile that he opted for. 

To keep the requirement simple, we have taken only Collect Customer Details, as the scope of this post. So based on this story, we should have got the clue : that our case type is  "Purchase Request".

Step by Step Illustration:

#1 Login to implemenation application, using your developer credentials; which points to our implementation access group.
Navigate to "Cases" on the left hand side gadgets. Click on "Add a case type". And provide the below details as below: 

Name : Purchase Request (Label however you wish to present on the screen)
Derives from (Directed) : Tata-EU-AuMob-Work
Ruleset : Implementation ruleset : AutoMobSales
Click Submit.
#2 Once we create Case Type, navigate to App Explorer to look at our implemenation class of case type i.e. Tata-EU-AuMob-Work-PurchaseRequest
We can observe that pyDefault case type rule is created already as part of our step #1. 
Navigate to Stages tab, and "add Primary stage".

#3 Enter stage name : "Capture Customer Details"
And configure the process where we need to input the flow from where our process starts. 
Example : CaptureCustomerDetailsWrapper flow

#3.1 Lets see how this flow "CaptureCustomerDetailsWrapper" is configured. 
CaptureCustomerDetailsWrapper is created in Tata-EU-AuMob-Work-PurchaseRequest, which calls a subprocess CaptureCustomerDetails

#3.2 Flow CaptureCustomerDetails is mapped in the above subprocess, and the below is how we configured CaptureCustomerDetails.
FlowName : CaptureCustomerDetails
Applies To Class: Tata-FW-AuMobFW-Work
Ruleset : Framework level ruleset : AuMobSalesMgmt
Type of Flow : Screen Flow (During flow creation,  select screen flow: as highlighted below)

#3.3 Configure first screen, where use can select "Customer Type" : New or Existing Customer. 
In CaptureCustomerDetails screen flow, add an assignment where you can configure flowaction:
Flow action Name : SelectCustomerType
Section Name :SelectCustomerType (create empty section for now; till we are good with design)

FlowAction configuration:

#3.4 Please don't forget to create Framework level PurchaseRequest class, so that we can keep any reusable stuff in Framework layer. 

#3.5 And configure the direct inheritance between Tata-EU-AuMob-Work-PurchaseRequest and Tata-FW-AuMobFW-Work-PurchaseRequest.

#3.6  Configure second screen  to capture Customer personal details:
Add an assignment with flow action as below:
FlowAction name: ShowCustomerDetails
Section name: ShowCustomerDetails // You can create an empty section till we are good with design

#3.7 Navigate back to Case gadget, and take a look at how our Case Type looks like now. 
So as per our scoped requirement, only one stage exists, where we Capture Customer Details.
And once it is done, we are going to resove the case (to keep it simple).

Configuring Resolve stage

#3.8 If you want to change the label of case type, please navigate to Settings tab of case type rule, and change the values. Changes made are highlighted as below:

#3.9 We are done with basics of creating a case type, and we can see our PurchaseRequest in the dropdown menu of Create.

Navigate back to continue with Creating Application : ParentPost 

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