Tuesday, February 27, 2018

AutoMob : Create Implementation application

We have Framework application which is already setup from  ParentPost.

Now we can create an implementation layer in the same manner.
Note: Please make sure, we are creating an implementation on top of the Framework application created in previous step.

Step by step illustration:

#1 Login with the admin operator of our framework, which we created in the previous step.
PRPC URL : http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet
username/password : Admin.AuMobSalesMgmt/rules

Naviagate to Framework application >> New Application. 
Using Application Express, we are going to create an implementation application on top of Framework application we created before to this post.
#2, Application Express takes you to choose "type of application do you want to build". Here, we select the framework on top of which we are creating implementation application. 
Here we selected, "Auto Mobile Sales Management Framework", which we created in parent post. 

#3 Select "Use this application type" and proceed with further steps. 

 #4 In case if framework application has any Case types, it would be listed here; which we can go through and click "Continue".
 #5 In case if framework application has any Data types, it would be listed here; which we can go through and click "Continue".
 #6 Click Responsive, so that application we are designed can be used in any device. 
 #7 Click the theme you would like to choose for the application. 
 #8This is the key step for creating the implementation application. 
Application Structure : Implementation
Application Id : AutoMobSales
Organization Name : Tata
Division Name : EU
Unit Name : Motors
Generate Division layer : Selected // Division to be included in class structure.
Generate Unit layer : Not Selected // As we don't want to include in class structure. 
Application : AuMob

 #9 Please review all the information couple of times. Then "Save" and proceed.
Give meaningful implementation application name : "Auto Mobile Sales".
And click on "Create Application".

#10 Wohooo !!! We created implementation application on top of our framework application. 
We can do "Switch to new application", to naviagate to our implemenation layer and start the work. 

Hope this helps !!!
Feel free to comment/share.

Continue with  the next steps of ParentPost

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