Saturday, December 18, 2021

Open ID Connect SSO Authentication with Pega

 Hi All, 

In this post, below are the key concepts explained with the help of video:

  • Introduction to Open ID Connect Authentication
  • Sequence of steps involved in Open ID Connect Authentication
  • Implementation and Demo
  • And Tips for Debugging

Feel free to post your comments. Happy Learning. 



  1. one small mistake. it should be return secure page to browser not server

  2. Hey Pavan,

    Thank you so much for providing insight into OIDC, really helpful.

    I tried using model operator, getting below error

    ERROR localhost|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 HOG5Q91K68YD4RIZXB3VJFQTB6GNN6IG6A - Exception during operator provisioning Unable to derive claim "ModelOperator" from id token for operator establishment

    I have tried even changing the claims to name id , doesn't help.

  3. Thank you for the concepts and demo, very well explained. Hope to see many more from you.


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