Thursday, September 20, 2018

How to generate unique ID from Pega

Using the function (pzGenerateUniqueID), we can generate uniqueID prefixed with C-1, C-2, ...
Lets say if already C-1, C-2 are present in DB, and then we hit this function it returns C-3.

Syntax: @pzGenerateUniqueID(tools, "C-")
Note: C- is an example of Prefix, this can be replaced with prefix of required.

Where can we apply:
This can be used in many scenarios. Lets say if service team wants us to send some unique key every time we hit service, we can make use of this function pzGenerateUniqueID

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pavan,

    It is saying internal rule (pz). Is there any px alternative for the same?


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