Saturday, January 20, 2018

In a screen flow, after 2 screens how to route to another operator?

  • Screen flow is meant for same user, multiple screens: to better user experience.
  • In the screen flow, we have route option only on the start shape.
  • After two screens , if we want to route for any exceptional requirement: then we can go for local action TransferAssignment configured on the particular assignment.

1 comment:

  1. how to achieve an you please elaborate -
    Is this way 1. first 2 steps would be in screenflow1. So once user executes this 2 steps case will be saved as screenflow1 ends.

    2. Step 3 & 4 in screenflow 2, and this can be routed to any other user. So once user executes this 2 steps case will be saved as screenflow2 ends.

    3. Similary 5 & 6 in screenflow 3


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