Friday, May 1, 2020

Hover (Mouse Over) functionality to show smart tip

How to show a message which comes from Data Page via integration on hover of property ?
Note: This post will be useful for only beginners. Got multiple requests on the same. So placing the screenshots which would help some of you:


#1 Create a section with the property.
#2 In the property details, navigate to Action menu
#3 Add an action set
     #3.1 Add an event: Hover
     #3.2 Add "Show smart tip"
     #3.3 Choose Tip Source as : Property (as per the given requirement)
     #3.4 Property : Give the Data Page property name: D_Post.RequestType
     #3.5 Format : Standard/Tour stop (anything you can choose based on your choice)

Once the above configuration is done and you plugged into the case life cycle, in the case it would look like below:

Run the case or open the case and referesh the section. And, move your mouse over (hover) on the property: you would see the smart tip from the Data Page value. If you understand this, same usecase can be tagged to a label hover or button hover or any target object hover.

Hope you understood the above. Feel free to comment if you have any questions or feedback.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pavan,

    I have a table layout , and i want to perform the same action on the label.Since there is no actions tab in label i am not able to achieve this.Please explain.

    Thank You


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